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Crystals For Children Kit

Rs. 730.00
Buy now
Authentic Crystal
Charged by
Mrs. Monica
Ships Tomorrow


Soothe your child with loving and positive energies with our Crystals for Children Kit. These crystals are carefully chosen for children to provide a sense of comfort to them while encouraging calming energies and removing any sorts of unwanted energies bothering them. Each Intention Kit includes Crystal Tumbles + a leaflet that states each crystal's name and purpose, so you, or whoever you are buying for, know what each crystal does! Purposefully place these crystals in your home or workspace to serve your Intention.

How To Use

- Sit in a comfortable position to get ready for your meditation. 
- Next, hold the tumbles in your hand and recite your positive affirmations while meditating. 
- You can even write down your intentions on a piece of paper and place the tumbles over it. 

Note - You should use only positive intentions.


Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian & Bloodstone.


Lapis Lazuli makes the wearer confident about their ideas and needs. It balances the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels which aid in the better expression of opinions and thoughts. 

Carnelian brings eloquence, self-confidence, and clarity, removing negative thought patterns. It is excellent for restoring vitality and motivation and stimulating creativity. 

Bloodstone reduces irritability, aggressiveness, and impatience. By grounding us to the life-giving elements of the earth, it assists us with challenges ahead. Especially helpful if you’re the type to think five steps ahead instead of being in the moment.